Each chakra is associated with certain attribute of human being and particular energy of nature. These energy centers are blocked primarily with impressions created by programming of society. These Chakras interface and correspond with body, mind and energy giving inputs to each other, while interacting with external world in the form of symptoms. The symptoms what we see are representation of these energy Chakras. In a larger sense whole creation is the symptom what we see. Being aware and opening up these chakras takes one through journey of Self Realization. Cleaning up of these 7 Chakras, clears consciousness and helps in self actualization. The divine energy flow through us and this is achieved through meditation practices with right Guidance of Guru.
Doctors help human beings through chemical inputs to cure the symptoms, but symptoms may repeat over a period of time. Wholistic approach requires experience of complete human consciousness which is the cause of human body, mind and soul interface. Aligning the body and energy centers with the help of right guidance and selfless blessing of the Guru is ultimate solution in the path of self realization.

Human body has 7 Chakras. Moving from base to head center takes us from individuality to universal consciousness. At this level Jiva becomes one with universal consciousness and experiences freedom and blissfulness.

Let me take you through these energy centers starting from Base of Spine (Muladhara) to Crown of Head (Sahasrara ).
Muladhara Chakra - Root Chakra
This is first Chakra of human body and is located at base of Spine. Muladhara is related to basic human instincts and Survival needs.

Functions & Associated elements:
Color - Red
Gland - Adrenal Glands
Ayurvedic Element - Earth
Verb - I have
Sound - Ooo (As in home)
Developmental Age - 1-8 years
Dysfunction -Bones, skeletal, structural, unfocused, improbability of achieving goals, high stress levels
Seed Sound - Lam
Associated Body Parts - Legs, bones, large intestine
Functions - Stillness, Survival, Grounding
This is governed by Ganesha consciousness and opening up this Chakra let the Ganesha energy flow through us. This chakra helps in health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence
Swadistana - Sacral Plexus
Swadistana is the 2nd Chakra is related to reptilian attributes (sexuality & reproduction) and animal attributes (desire).

Functions & Associations:
Color - Orange
Gland - Testes/Overies
Ayurvedic Element - Water
Verb - I want
Sound - Mm (as in yum)
Developmental Age - 8 – 14 yrs
Dysfunction - Instability, bladder, low back problems, self love, self respect issues, prostate
Seed Sound - Vam
Associated Body Parts - Womb, genitals, kidneys, bladder
Functions - Desire, Emotions, Sexuality
It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. This chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change
Manipura - Solar Plexus
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